Obesity: The problem of the age and how to combat it

How Obesity Affects the Body

Obesity is a serious condition that should be viewed as a disease rather than just being overweight

Most people who are obese are at a higher risk for serious medical conditions

that affect every part of the body

What is even more alarming is how widespread obesity is today according to studies

Obesity is found in about 40 percent of people in the United States

Let’s take a look at how obesity affects different parts of the body to understand better why it is so harmful

Nervous System

Nervous System Obesity leads to high cholesterol which leads to high blood pressure

High blood pressure increases the risk of stroke which occurs when blood flow to the brain is restricted

Strokes can damage the nervous system and impair the brain’s ability to control the body

Digestive System

Obesity affects the digestive system in several ways, most notably it is linked to a higher risk of gastroesophageal reflux disease

A disease or reflux disease that occurs when stomach acid leaks into the esophagus

In addition, obesity is linked to an increased risk of gallstones and liver damage and can even lead to liver failure in some cases Conditions

Respiratory system

A buildup of fat in the respiratory system around the neck can cause

the airway to become smaller, making it more difficult to breathe

This condition is known as sleep apnea

Some people even find it difficult to breathe for short periods

Increased cardiovascular system

High blood pressure and cardiovascular cholesterol also affect the cardiovascular system

Obesity affects heart health and increases the chances of heart attacks

Skeletal and muscular system

Increased mass puts more stress on muscles and bones, causing muscle mass and bone density to deteriorate

This is known as skeletal obesity

It leads to an increased risk of physical disability, fractures, and insulin resistance

Reproductive system effects

Reproductive system

Decreased testosterone, which affects

Libidos, in addition to obesity, can make it difficult to get pregnant with an increased risk of

Serious complications during pregnancy

Mental health

Finally, obesity can also negatively affect your mental health

People who are obese are more likely to deal with negative emotions

Poor health and psychological symptoms

Poor mental health can make the Body

More susceptible to disease and obesity

This can lead to low self-esteem

Depression and body image issues

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