Understanding Body Language 

 2. Meetings 

In meetings, reading body language helps you gauge the engagement level of participants. Nodding can show agreement while leaning back might signal detachment or disinterest.

 The Impact of Body Language on Relationships 

Body language plays a significant role in both romantic and platonic relationships. Understanding non-verbal cues helps:

–  Build trust** by detecting sincerity.

–  Enhance communication** by identifying unspoken issues.

 Positive Signals in Relationships 

–  Leaning in during a conversation: Shows interest and attentiveness.

–  Touching or holding hands: Indicates affection and support.

 Negative Signals in Relationships 

–  Turning away: Can indicate disinterest or conflict.

–  Tapping fingers: Often a sign of impatience or irritation.

 How to Improve Your Body Language 

Improving body language can make you more approachable and confident.

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